Climate change continues to be one of the most pressing issues facing the world today. Despite some of the good progress Indonesia has made in addressing the issue of climate change, two recent surveys have shown that many Indonesians are still unaware of the causes or even the impact of climate change. In this article, we will explore what climate change is, the causes of it, and examine the findings of these two surveys. Firstly, what is climate change? Climate change is the long-term average of weather patterns that drastically change over an extended period of time. It is a large-scale alteration in atmospheric movements, temperature, and precipitation, which can be caused by natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, or man-made causes such as emissions from fossil fuels. The causes of climate change are divided into two categories: natural and anthropogenic. Natural causes include changes in the sun's energy output and volcanic eruptions, while anthropogenic, or man-made, causes include emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and agricultural activities, as well as land-use practices such as deforestation. Recent studies have shown that many Indonesians are unaware of the causes of climate change and the effects it has on their environment and livelihoods. The first survey, conducted in 2018 by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Jakarta, showed that only 40% of survey respondents had knowledge of climate change. The survey also asked what participants thought were the main causes of climate change, with 35% citing natural causes and only 27% citing anthropogenic causes. The second survey, conducted in 2019 by the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) in East Java, showed that only 39% of respondents had basic knowledge of climate change, and only 28% knew about its primary causes. The survey also found that women and youth were less likely to be knowledgeable about climate change than men and elders, meaning that the information and education about climate change needs to be more widely accessible and better targeted. It is apparent from these findings that there is a need for better dissemination and understanding of climate change among Indonesians. Increasing awareness and understanding of climate change is essential in order to ensure Indonesians are able to take effective action to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to the global effort to tackle this issue. To address this issue, the government and non-governmental organisations should focus on providing more accessible information and education about climate change to Indonesians. This can be done through various forms of media, including online and social media campaigns, television and radio broadcasts, and direct information and training sessions with communities. This information must be designed to be easily digestible and engaging to ensure it resonates with different demographics, while also being accurately fact-checked and up-to-date. In addition, the government should encourage a shift away from emissions-heavy practices and promote the use of renewable energy sources. This should include supporting policies such as taxing emissions, subsidising renewable energy sources, setting clean air standards, and enforcing and monitoring emissions regulations. For Indonesia to make further progress in tackling climate change, it is clear that greater understanding and awareness of the issue must first be achieved. Through initiatives such as providing accessible information and education about climate change, as well as encouraging a shift away from emissions-heavy practices, Indonesia can take steps towards reducing its carbon footprint and making a further contribution to the global effort against climate change. Ultimately, if Indonesia is to make an effective contribution to the global effort to combat climate change, it is vital that citizens are aware of the causes and effects of climate change as well as the actions they can take to reduce their carbon footprint. Through more accessible information and education, as well as encouraging a shift towards more sustainable practices, Indonesia can ensure its citizens are knowledgeable and motivated to contribute to the global effort against climate change.
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